In 1999 I began practicing and falling in love with Yoga because of how it made me feel personally. I then thought to myself, “wow, I would love to be able to share and create this feeling for others”. In 2004 I travelled to India the birthplace of Yoga which filled my heart with even more awe. In 2007, I became qualified with a Yoga Teacher Training Diploma. Throughout the years life’s circumstances have inspired me to continue adding specialist modules that offer and enhance my Continued Professional and Personal Development (CPPD); Yoga for Pregnancy, Yoga for Mums and Baby, Toddler Yoga, Laughter Yoga Therapy, Aqua Yoga, Yin Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation, Mindfulness, Yoga for Cancer. Including numerous ‘In Service Training Days’ (IST), Hands on Adjustments, Yoga for Children, Chair Yoga, Yoga and the Spine, Yoga with the Chakras, Yoga and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
2008, began my path of a ‘holistic’ approach towards massage. Inspired by my love for Yoga and a holiday to Thailand the home of Thai Yoga Massage where I enjoyed having these remarkable treatments. On my return this became the beginning of my hands on therapy disciplines, with qualifications in Thai Yoga Massage Diplomas Practitioner and Advanced Therapy. In 2010 I added the qualification of Practitioner Diploma in Indian Head Massage Therapy – whilst in India these treatments were amazing. Inspired by the 2012 Olympics and my love for wanting to learn and understand more about body mechanics, I went on and in 2013 qualified as a BTEC level 5 Sports and Remedial Soft Tissue Therapist. I believe Massage offers a range of health benefits, therefore I too love having a massage. In 2019 inspired by customers and my love for offering additional support flowed into the qualifications for the application of Kinesio Taping levels 1, 2, 3, 4.
I am grateful to all past, present, and future students, clients, teachers, tutors and therapists. Namaste with love.