Why Choose Yoga?
If you found yourself answering yes to any of the below, or interested in exploring and creating Your own ‘Yoga Planet’, please click here to fill in Why Yoga for You form to join the Online Streaming Broadcasting Virtual community.
- Me time
- Selfcare
- Stretch
- Flexibility
- Strength
- Learn
- Self-awareness
- Mindfulness
- Be present
- Calm
- Rest
- Relax
- Inner peace
- Inner wisdom
- Enlightenment
- Acceptance
- Meditate
- Wellbeing
- Fun
- Stillness
- Breathing
- Freedom
- Escapism
- Self-Love
- 3 Nadis
- Ida
- Pingala
- Sushumna
- 108
- Prana
- Life-Force
- 8 Limbs of Patanjali
- 5 Yama
- 5 Niyama
- Asana
- Pranayama
- Pratyahara
- Dharana
- Dhyana
- Samadhi
- 4 Noble Truths
- 7 Chakras
- 7 Points
- Red
- Orange
- Yellow
- Green
- Blue
- Purple
- White
- 5 Elements
- Earth
- Water
- Fire
- Air
- Ether
- Mudras
- 3 Bandhas
- Mula Bandha
- Uddhiyana Bandha
- Jalandha Bandha
- Mantras
- Yin
- Yang
- 8 Folded Path
- 5 Koshas
- 3 Doshas
- Muladhara Chakra
- Swaddhisthana Chakra
- Mani Pura Chakra
- Anahatra Chakra
- Vishadha Chakra
- Ajna Chakra
- Sassharta Chakra
- OM
- Concentration
- Chitta
- 6 Senses
- Muscles
- Joints
- Bones
- 2 Kumbhakas
- Masculine energy
- Feminine energy
- Balance
- Centred
- Laughter
- Knowledge
- Understanding
- Hatha
- Sun
- Moon
- Bhagavad Gita 3 Paths
- 12 Upanishads
- Jnana Path
- Bhakti Path
- Karma Path
- 195 Sutras
- Anatomy Trains and Trends
- Sanskrit
- Philosophy
- Clarity
- Tone
- Playful
- Invigorating
- Gratitude
- Bliss
- Nirvana